All on 8 Implants
January 23, 2023Lumineer Veneers
February 14, 2023Emax Veneers
E-max veneers are one of the preferred types of veneers today due to the fact that they are metal-free and also give a very aesthetic appearance to the teeth. Emax veneers are made of very thin, translucent lithium glass-ceramic that is bonded to the patient's teeth and is considered the strongest option among dental veneers. Emax veneers can be used to correct the colour, shape of teeth, and to disguise misalignment or gaps between teeth. E-max veneers are placed on incisors, canines, and premolars to serve an aesthetic function. Dental treatment with Emax veneers takes approximately 1 week, with only 2-3 sessions.
Stages of Emax Veneers
After a thorough dental examination, the patient's tooth structure is photographed, then the measurements of the teeth are taken. A customised design of the patient's smile is digitally created. Under local anaesthesia, the teeth are ground down to 2mm and prepared for veneer placement. Temporary teeth are fitted for a temporary period. The lab-prepared veneers are then bonded to the front surface of the teeth. Due to the fact that E-max veneers have a translucent structure are usually applied to the front teeth that have aesthetic problems and imperfections.
Cost of Emax Veneers in Antalya, Turkey
The cost of Emax veneers in Antalya is determined after the first examination. Many factors influence the price of veneers. The clinic where the treatment will be carried out, the duration of treatment and many other factors affect the cost of Emax veneers.