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December 8, 2023What Are Dental Veneers?
As can be understood from the name of the tooth coating, it is a dental treatment method applied to the front surface of the tooth, which removes the discoloration and other possible deformities on the surface of the tooth. After this dental treatment application, the teeth return to their old healthy state.
In our Panoramik dental clinic Antalya we use different types of dental veneers:
Composite Dental Veneers
It is also used as a treatment method in composite dental veneers, both for dental aesthetics and to eliminate dental problems such as broken and missing teeth.
Zirconium Dental Veneer
Zirconium dental veneer is a type of veneer obtained by combining ceramic and porcelain material. This type of coating, also known as a crown, is generally used in the treatment of patients with carious teeth and to support smile aesthetics.
Porcelain Dental Veneers
Porcelain tooth veneer, also known as leaf laminate, is an application that is made when the person loses his function in the tooth structure for various reasons. Thanks to this method, all aesthetic and functional disorders in the dental structure of the person are improved. Thanks to the porcelain, which is the main ingredient of the dental porcelain coating, it strengthens the surface of the tooth more and prevents the abrasions that may occur on the tooth surface. Thus, the usage time is longer than other coatings. Dental porcelain veneer is generally used to support smile aesthetics on anterior teeth. The main reason for this is that it is perfectly compatible with normal tooth colour and has a very durable hard structure.